Pot filler faucets are trendy and add a sleek, sophisticated look to your kitchen. They eliminate the need to cart heavy pots filled with water back and forth from the sink. This eliminates the possibility of water sluicing up and over the sides of the pot, creating a massive mess in your kitchen (that just adds to your lengthy to-do list) as you try to carefully balance the pot on the trip back to the stove.
However, many people argue that pot filler faucets are an unnecessary addition to your kitchen. Are they worth the hype? This article will look at pot filler faucets to help you decide if you should incorporate one into your kitchen.
What Are Pot Filler Faucets?
Pot filler faucets are precisely what the name implies: a faucet whose sole purpose is to make filling pots easier. Several different styles are available, like the double-jointed filler faucets that swing out from the wall over your stove or range.
Usually, pot filler faucets sit against the wall near the backsplash while not in use, safely out of the way. When you need to use it, pull the faucet’s neck towards the pot, then turn on the water flow. And just like that, you have a full pot and are ready to cook. All without needing to cart the water from the stove.
Benefits Of Pot Filler Faucets
Pot filler faucets offer a couple of benefits that may tip the odds in favor of installing one in your kitchen. They are a necessary convenience for some people, while others don’t see the point.
Goodbye To Heavy Lifting
If you spend a lot of time in your kitchen, concocting various meals or baked goods, you’ll know how cumbersome it can be to heave a large pot filled with water from your kitchen sink to your stove.
In order to avoid making your kitchen floor an impromptu slip-n-slide, you have to carefully balance the hefty pot during your journey from the sink to the stove. Okay, it might only be three or four steps, but still, those few steps seem like forever when you’re performing a balancing act with a heavy pot of water.
On top of that, you’re heaving water, which happens to be pretty heavy, across your kitchen. One gallon of the liquid weighs just short of nine pounds, and one cubic foot of water weighs a little over 62 pounds!
Since a pot filler eliminates the teetering balancing act and 50 percent of the hefty haul distance (you still have to drain the pot), your back will thank you. Moving a full pot of water back and forth can be taxing on your back. Luckily, the pot filler faucet eliminates the heavier half of the journey – yes, you still have to bring the pot to the sink to drain it, but some of the water evaporated in the cooking process, right?
Installation Isn’t Complicated
If you’re an avid DIYer, the process of installing a pot filler faucet over your stove should be a breeze (hypothetically). You’ll need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on what size water supply line you’ll need. The instructions will outline the specificities of the installation, which should be simple enough to follow.
Make sure you install it at a good height, or it’ll get in the way of large pots.
Now, if gluing together popsicle sticks for an arts and crafts project your child needs to do for school is about the extent of your DIY abilities, hire a contractor or plumber. They should be able to complete the job in 30 minutes or less, as it isn’t a complicated process.
Boosted Efficiency
Chefs and at-home cooking connoisseurs understand the need for speed in a busy kitchen. If you’re dodging other people with a full pot of water, your balancing act across the kitchen becomes extra tricky.
This is where the pot filler faucet comes in handy. Not only do you get to skip the “excuse me” and “pardon me” as you shimmy your way across the kitchen, but the water also runs quicker from the pot filler faucet than standard faucets, allowing you to fill the pot much quicker.
The average pot filler faucet moves water at a flow rate of 4 gallons per minute, while a standard faucet flows at a rate of 1.5 gallons per minute. So, you finish the job three times faster with a pot filler faucet.
No Need To Clear A Sink
Unless you have a pull-down kitchen faucet or moveable faucet that allows you to fill a pot relatively easily, you’ll probably have to clear out the sink to fill a pot with water. If you’re already running behind, a sink full of dishes that you have to empty is just another hassle.
Alternatively, you don’t need to worry about having to stop washing dishes to fill up a pot with water. You can keep your sink full of dirty prep dishes where they are and fill the pot in a completely different spot.
Cons Of A Pot Filler Faucet
While pot fillers are excellent in some scenarios, they fall short in others.
Costly Installation
If your kitchen is already finished or you have a complicated plumbing layout, the installation may be complex, causing the cost of installation to jump. That is, of course, unless you do it yourself.
Leaky Faucet
Faucets are prone to leaking as they age or with incorrect installation. Ensure the faucet is installed correctly. Otherwise, you’ll be dealing with leaks and drips that may damage the flooring and cabinetry surrounding it.
Half The Trip
You still have to haul the pot full of water back to the sink after you’re done cooking. While some of the water evaporated during the cooking process, it’s still going to be heavy. Additionally, you’re carrying a hot liquid, so you need to be extra careful.
When you fill your pot in the sink, you don’t have to stress about the pot overflowing. The water will just spill into the sink. However, when using a pot filler faucet as your water source, the stakes are high. If you walk away from the pot and forget to shut off the water, you will have the impromptu slip-n-slide on your hands.
Infrequent Uses
You may find that you don’t use it as often as you thought you would. So, for some people, a pot filler faucet may just be an unnecessary expense.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Should a pot filler match your kitchen faucet?
That is entirely up to you. You can choose to match the pot filler faucet to the color of your kitchen faucet, or you could match it to your range hood. The decision is ultimately up to your aesthetic tastes.
Are pot fillers a good idea?
Again, this comes down to personal preference. If you think you’ll use it enough to make it worthwhile or want to save your back, then it’s a great idea. Or, if you just like the sophisticated touch it adds to a kitchen, then by all means, integrate it into your design.
Is installing a pot filler expensive?
If you have complicated plumbing, the plumbing isn’t easily accessible to the area where you need the pot filler faucet, or you’re installing a fancy faucet, it could be upwards of $1,500. However, for simple installations, it could be as low as $300.
Do pot fillers get dirty?
Yes, considering they’re above the stove, they can get dirty. Your delicious-smelling, bubbling concoctions on the stove may splash droplets up onto the pot filler. So, yes, it can get messy, but it’s easy enough to clean.
Should a pot filler be connected to hot or cold water?
Most people fill pots with cold water for cooking. Generally, pot fillers are hooked up to cold water supply lines.
Do pot fillers increase home value?
Yes, pot fillers can add value to a home. Usually, it’s not a make or break feature for most buyers, but it certainly is a nice addition.
Why do pot fillers have two handles?
Generally, pot fillers have two handles: turning the water on and off at the end of the spout and turning it off/on at the wall.
Where should a pot filler be?
A pot filler should generally be placed to the right or left of the cooking surface. This is because you don’t want to reach over bubbling pots to reach it.
Should a pot filler be centered?
Building off our answer to the last question: no, pot fillers shouldn’t be centered. If you do, there’s a good chance of you burning yourself on other hot pots or pans on the stove while trying to reach the pot filler.
What are the pot filler code requirements?
Pot filler code requirements vary based on your area. So, before installing one, check with local requirements. If you have a plumber install the pot filler, they should be aware of local pot filler code requirements.